Improved outcome in very low birth weight infants from 1977 to 1983

Changes of mortality and neurological morbidity in 351 very low birth-weight infants cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit of the Children's Hospital Tübingen during the years 1977 to 1983 are reported. The main finding was a survival rate increasing from 69.5% in 1977–79 to 76.6% in 1982–83 and a coinciding frequency of severe neurological sequelae decreasing from 9.2%–3.7%. The incidence of minor neurodevelopmental problems remained unchanged. However, mortality after discharge was found to be increased during the period observed. In conclusion, the intensification of neonatal intensive care in our hospital did not only reduce mortality but also the rate of severe neurological sequelae, thus not only survival rate but also the quality of survival could be improved.