Signature of the triangle singularity in the reaction e+eπ+ππ0

The singularity caused by the decay kinematics in the vertices of the triangle diagram is shown to imply the distortion of the patterns of ρω interference in the π+π mass spectrum of the reaction e+eρπ+ωππ+ππ0 at energies in the range 0.95 GeVs1.4 GeV. In the total cross section the singularity manifests itself as a measurable decrease of the cross section magnitude at energies in between ω and ϕ peaks. The studies of the effect at e+e colliders with a luminosity of L=1031 cm2 s1 or higher could be of great interest as a tool for testing the self-consistency of calculations going beyond the tree approximation and as a possibility to obtain additional information on the mechanisms of the OZI rule and G parity breakings.