Excretion of bile acids in normal rabbits

A new bile acid not previously reported and present in small amounts in rabbit bile was discovered. This compound, tentatively identified as glycochenodeoxycholic acid, was also present in bile of animals 5 days after fistula formation at a time when deoxycholic acid and other bacterial metabolites were no longer present. This establishes the compound as a primary bile acid. The chrotnatographic mobility of this compound and its conjugates, and its ultraviolet absorption spectra in 2 strengths of sulfuric acid were identical to those of chenodeoxycholic acid. In addition to this compound, the presence was noted, in minute amounts, of ursodeoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid, bacterial metabolites of chenodeoxycholic acid, and several unidentified other bile acids. Glycodeoxycholic acid was confirmed as the principal bile acid in the intact animal and glycocholic acid as the main bile acid in rabbits with prolonged fistula drainage.