Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry of bouvardin and selected analogs

The fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectra of bouvardin (1) 6-O-methylbouvardin (2), deoxybouvardin (3) and a synthetic analog (4) have been examined. The spectra of the bicyclic compounds 1–3 display site-directed fragmentations resulting from the presence of a phenolic bridged tyrosine moiety unique to this class of compounds. Comparison of the spectrum of 4, which lacks the rigid 14-membered ring, with the spectra of 1–3 shows some similarities, but clearly does not cleave in a site-directed manner as the other bouvardin analogs. Fragmentation pathways are postulated which account for most of the major ions observed in the FAB mass spectra of these potentially useful antitumor agents. Metastable ion analysis confirms the operation of the proposed pathways.