Determination of Plasma Protein S - The Protein Cofactor of Activated Protein C

Protein S, an important cofactor of activated protein C, and C4b-binding protein were purified from human plasma. Specific antibodies against the purified proteins were raised in rabbits and used for the development of immunologic assays for these proteins in plasma: an immunoradiometric assay for protein S (which measures both free protein S and protein S complexed with C4b-binding protein) and an electroimmunoassay for C4b- binding protein. Ranges for the concentrations of these proteins were established in healthy volunteers and patients using oral anticoagulant therapy. A slight decrease in protein S antigen was observed in patients with liver disease (0.78 ± 0.25 U/ml); no significant decrease in protein S was observed in patients with DIC (0.95 ± 0.25 U/ml). Criteria were developed for the laboratory diagnosis of an isolated protein S deficiency