A field study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Kinetic and Sylgard 309 organosilicone adjuvants to increase the efficacy of glyphosate for control of Florida pusley (Richardia scabr a L.), southern crabgrass [Digitaria ciliari s (Retz.) Koel], hairy beggarticks (Bidens pilos a L.), camphorweed [Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lam.) Britt. and Rusby], bahiagrass (Paspalum notatu m Fluegge), bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylo n (L.) Pers.], and torpedograss (Panicum repen s L.). Glyphosate, either at 0.5 or 1.0 kg a.i./ha, was applied alone or in combination with Kinetic, Sylgard 309, or X-77 using a tractor-mounted boom sprayer that delivered 187 liters·ha-1 at 207 kPa pressure. Glyphosate applied at 0.5 kg·ha-1 controlled > 94% of Florida pusley, southern crabgrass, hairy beggarticks, and camphorweed. Glyphosate efficacy improved on Florida pusley and southern crabgrass when applied with the adjuvants. Glyphosate, regardless of adjuvant, completely controlled hairy beggarticks and camphorweed. Control of bahiagrass, bermudagrass, and torpedograss with adjuvants was better than without adjuvants. However, glyphosate with Kinetic or Sylgard 309 was more effective in suppressing regrowth of these perennial grasses than glyphosate with X-77. Chemical names used: isopropylamine salt fo N -(phosphonomethyl)glycine with an in-can surfactant (glyphosate); proprietary blend of polyalkyleneoxide-modified polydimethylsiloxane and nonionic organosilicone adjuvant (Kinetic); silicone adjuvant mixture of 2-(3.hydroxypropyl)-heptamethyltrisiloxane, ethyloxylated, acetate EO glycol, -allyl, -acetate (Sylgard 309); mixture of alkylarylpolyoxyethylene glycols, free fatty acids, and isopropanol nonionic adjuvant (X-77).

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