This paper explores the relationship between chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and psychiatric disorder, with special reference to neuropsychiatry, Topics reviewed include (1) epidemiological evidence of central disorder in CFS; (2) evidence from longitudinal studies of an interaction between vulnerability to CFS and psychiatric disorder; and (3) evidence from neuroimaging, neuropsychology, neurophysiology and neuroendocrinology of disordered CNS function in CFS. The most impressive evidence of CNS disturbance comes from neuroendocrinological studies, which suggest a role of hypothalamic disorder as a final common pathway for CFS. It is concluded that the equal and opposite tendencies of psychiatry to be 'brainless' and neurology to be 'mindless' have led to needless controversy over the nature of CFS. Now that the contributions of psychiatric disorder to CFS, and of neurobiological dysfunction to psychiatric disorder, are both established, it will be possible to make real advances in understanding the nature of CFS.