In Dutch dairy farming, dramatic nutrient losses occur, causing serious environmental problems, and representing an economic and energy waste. So farming systems have to be developed based on efficient nutrient management. A dairy farm is characterized as a system with soils and crops, forage, cattle, and manure as main components. Simple models of nutrient flows in and between components of the farming system were used to design a prototype system for a new experimental farm on sandy soil, which has to meet strict environmental demands. Experimental results of this farm will be used to improve the models and the models will be used again to optimize the prototype system. Initial results of modelling suggest that nutrient losses can be reduced considerably by more accurate management, and introduction of relatively cheap and simple measures. However, more radical and expensive modifications of the farming system are necessary to meet further standards of the Dutch government for max. allowable emissions. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission)