Designer de Sitter spacetimes

Recent observations in cosmology indicate an accelerating expansion of the Universe postulated to arise from some form of dark energy, the paradigm being positive cosmological constant. De Sitter spacetime is the well-known isotropic solution to the Einstein equations with cosmological constant. However, as discussed here, it is not the most general, locally isotropic solution. One can construct an infinite family of such solutions, designer de Sitter spacetimes, which are everywhere locally isometric to a region of de Sitter spacetime. However, the global dynamics of these designer cosmologies is very different than that of de Sitter spacetime itself. The construction and dynamics of these designer de Sitter spacetimes is detailed along with some comments about their implications for the structure of our Universe.PACS Nos.: 04.20.–q, 04.20.Ex, 04.20.Gz, 98.80.–k

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