Binary and Ternary Fission ofU238Induced by Intermediate-EnergyHe3Ions

Cross-section data for 33 nuclides have been obtained radiochemically and used to construct a mass-yield curve for the fission of U238 induced by 31-MeV He3 ions. The mass range studied was 24A212 and the yields varied over seven orders of magnitude. The data for Na24, Mg28, Si31, S38, Ca47, Au199, Pb209, and Pb212 confirm the existence of ternary fission in compound-nuclear processes at intermediate energies, as previously reported from these laboratories. These data also establish the transition region between ternary and highly asymmetric binary processes at A45. Recoil-range data indicate some small but significant differences between He3- and He4-induced ternary fission. On the assumption that there is a peak in the ternary mass-yield curve at A24, the total ternary-fission cross section for 31-MeV He3 ions on U238 is ∼3.3×1030 cm2, and σternaryσbinary4.4×106.