The C4‐dicarboxylic‐acid pathway of photosynthetic CO2 fixation found in tropical grasses has recently been demonstrated in members of the Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae. In the tropical grasses this CO2‐fixation pathway is correlated with specialized leaf anatomy and chloroplast structure. This investigation was undertaken to determine if leaf cells of some representatives of these other families had structural features similar to those of tropical grasses. The leaf anatomy of Amaranthus edulis and a variety of Atriplex species is very similar and it resembles that of grasses such as sugar cane. Prominent bundle sheaths are surrounded by a layer of palisade cells. Bundle‐sheath cells of Am. edulis have large chloroplasts containing much starch, but the chloroplasts have grana. The palisade cells have much smaller chloroplasts containing very little starch. The bundle‐sheath cell chloroplasts of At. lentiformis have grana, their profiles tend to be ovoid, and they contain abundant starch grains. The palisade cell chloroplasts contain little starch and their profiles are discoid. The bundle‐sheath cells of both species contain mitochondria which are much larger than those in the palisade cells. The chloroplasts in both types of cells in both species have a highly developed peripheral reticulum. This reticulum is composed of anastomosing tubules which are contiguous with the inner plastid membrane. The leaf anatomy and cell ultrastructure of these dicots are similar to those of the tropical grasses possessing this new photosynthetic carbon‐fixation pathway. These morphological features are interpreted as adaptations for the rapid transport of precursors and end products of photosynthesis. A hypothesis is presented stating that the unique morphological and biochemical characters of these plants represent adaptations for efficient and rapid carbon fixation in environments where water stress frequently limits photosynthesis.
Funding Information
  • National Science Foundation (GB‐6066)