Infectivity and complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of a genetically distinct strain of maize streak virus from Reunion Island

A complete infectious genome of an isolate of maize streak subgroup 1 geminivirus from Reunion Island (MSV-R) was cloned and sequenced. Using anAgrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid delivery system, the cloned 2.7 kb circular DNA was shown to be infectious in maize. The agroinfected virus could be transmitted byCicadulina mbila, the most common vector species of MSV in Reunion. Analysis of open reading frames (ORFs) revealed seven potential coding regions including the 4 ORFs conserved in all geminiviruses infecting monocotyledonous plants, the 2 on the viral “+” strand (MP, CP), and the 2 on the complementary “−” strand (RepA, RepB). The nucleotide sequence of MSV-R was compared to previously determined sequence of three African clones from Nigeria (MSV-N), Kenya (MSV-K), and South Africa (MSV-S). More similarity was found between the African clones (97.0–97.3%) than between these and MSV-R (94.4–95.3%). Nucleotide substitutions were frequent in the large intergenic region, particularly in and around the most likely TATA box for the complementary sense genes, and in the 5′ end of ORF V1. The comparison of the predicted peptide sequences of the proteins encoded by ORFs MP, RepA and RepB confirmed the higher similarity between the African clones (97.8–99.3%) than between these and MSV-R (95.1–97.1%). However the amino acid sequences of the protein encoded by ORF CP (capsid protein) were very conserved among all the 4 clones, suggesting a high selection pressure on this ORF.