Limits on Variations in Fundamental Constants from 21-cm and Ultraviolet Quasar Absorption Lines

Quasar absorption spectra at 21-cm and UV rest wavelengths are used to estimate the time variation of xα2gpμ, where α is the fine structure constant, gp the proton g factor, and me/mpμ the electron/proton mass ratio. Over a redshift range 0.24zabs2.04, Δx/xtotalweighted=(1.17±1.01)×105. A linear fit gives x˙/x=(1.43±1.27)×1015yr1. Two previous results on varying α yield the strong limits Δμ/μ=(2.31±1.03)×105 and Δμ/μ=(1.29±1.01)×105. Our sample, 8× larger than any previous, provides the first direct estimate of the intrinsic 21-cm and UV velocity differences 6kms1.