The Effects of Some Chemicals on Cervix Dentis

The function of the afferent, fibers of the pulp branch of alveolaris mandibularis nerve on stimulation by some chemicals was studied in 26 dogs narcotized with N-methyl-cyclohexenyl-methol-barbituric sodium in a search for valuable and fundamental information relative to the etiology of hypersensitive dentin. The conduction velocity of the afferent nerve resembles that of the A group of cat''s nerves. As stimulating agents, glucose, saccharose, HC1, NaOH, and NaCl were used. Afferent volleys initiated chemically appeared with 50-60% solutions of glucose and saccharose, 10-3 mol of HC1, 10-2 mol of NaOH, and 12% solutions of NaCl, respec-tively, were used. Chemical stimulation on the cervix dentis evoked volleys of discharges for a long time. The conductivity and adaptation mechanism of the system, which consisted of odontoblast and nerve terminal, were discussed.