Immunoscintigraphic localization of inflammatory lesions: Pharmacokinetics and estimated absorbed radiation dose in man

Five patients with inflammatory lesions received anti-granulocytes murine monoclonal antibody (Mabgc) infused over 5 to 15 min at doses between 3.4 and 5.4 mCi123I (120 μg antibody). Clearance of 1231 from blood pool closely fits a biexponential mathematical model with the two effective half-lives 0.73 h and 9.3 h. The spontaneous release of 1231 was found to be relatively low in the blood pool. The cumulative urinary excretion of the123I label over 120 h was in the range of 63% of the totally administered dose and is assumed to represent only a low molecular compound or123I alone as iodide. Analysis of the label in spleen, liver and red marrow showed that the concentration of label in these tissues remains more or less constant over a period of 20 h after infusion. With data of liver, spleen, red marrow and whole body activity over a period of 24 h, an estimated radiation dose was calculated. Compared with111 In labelled leucocytes, especially in spleen, the absorbed dose is lower by a factor of ten per examination.