Telencephalic connections of the trigeminal system in the pigeon (Columba livia): A trigeminal sensorimotor circuit

A combination of autoradiography and horseradish peroxidase histochemistry was used to identify telencephalic structures linking the sensory and motor components of the trigeminal system in the pigeon. A direct telencephalic projection from the principal trigeminal sensory nucleus upon the nucleus basalis via the quintofrontal tract was confirmed. Nucleus basalis projects upon a belt of neurons within the overlying neostriatum. This region (neostriatum frontale, pars trigeminale: NFT) gives rise to the fronto‐archistriate tract which terminates both in the archistriatum intermedium and in the overlying neostriatum caudale, medial to the ventricle (neostriatum caudale, pars trigeminale: NCT). NCT projects, in turn, upon a region of archistriatum intermedium containing cell bodies of the occipito‐mesencephalic tract. This pathway provides a link between the telencephalon and premotor areas within the lateral (parvicellular) reticular formation of the lower brainstem. The trigeminal sensorimotor circuit defined in these experiments has been implicated by neurobehavioral studies in the control of pecking, grasping, and feeding in the pigeon.