Elektrische Leitfähigkeit vollionisierter Edelgasplasmen

Measurements of electrical conductivity with small experimental error limits for Xe (T = 10000 to 14500 K) and Ar (T = 15000 ‐ 19000 K) are compared with a conductivity formula for fully ionized plasma derived from the BOLTZMANN‐equation using the treatment of SCHIRMER. The theoretical curves fit the experiments if the cut off parameter is chosen as a0 = 2,5 D in the case of Xe and a0 = 4D in the case of Ar, where D is the DEBYE shielding parameter. These different values for a0 indicate an influence of the gas species even in the case of full ionization. It has been shown that both the BOLTZMANN collision term and the FOKKER‐PLANCK collision term yield the same results and that the discrepancies between the different published treatments are due to unjustified physical or mathematical simplifications.

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