Electrochemical Reduction of 4‐Substituted 7‐Nitro‐benzo‐furazansThe electrochemical properties of 4‐methoxy‐, hydroxy‐, alkylamino, and arylaminosubstituted 7‐nitrobenzofurazans (1a–1h) are studied between pH 1,7 and 11,6 by use of buffer solutions containing different portions of various organic solvents. Reduction waves which are present in polarograms, are well reproducible and practicable for qualitative and quantitative analysis of amines. A mechanism of reduction is suggested by reason of polarographic and coulometric results. The half wave potentials are correlated with various substituent constants. A value of ϱ = + 0,32 follows from the determination of the reaction constant from the slope of the E 1/2 – σp – relation for the polarographic reduction of each nitro‐function.