Awareness, attitudes and prevention of malaria in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé (Cameroon)

Background There is little information on the social perception of malaria and the use of prevention methods in Cameroon. This study was designed to assess knowledge, attitude and management of malaria in households living in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé. Results Over 82% of people interviewed associated malaria transmission to mosquito bites. Methods used for malaria prevention were: environmental sanitation 1645 (76.1%), use of bed nets 1491 (69%), insecticide spray/coils 265 (12.3%) and netting of doors or windows 42 (1.9%). Bed net ownership was significantly high in Yaoundé (73.8%) (P < 0.0001), whereas the use of insecticide spray or coils was significantly important in Douala (16.3%) (P < 0.0001). Some of the problems experienced by families using ITN were the difficulty in finding chemicals for the retreatment of nets 702 (47%), insufficient financial means to buy new bed nets to replace old ones 366 (24.5%) or, to provide bed nets to everybody in the household 289 (19.4%) and the sensation of feeling excessive heat when sleeping under a bed net 74 (5%). The amount spent monthly by a household for vector control and malaria treatment was estimated at 2377 fcfa (3.6 euros) and 4562 fcfa (6.95 euros) respectively. These amounts were not significantly different between households of Douala and Yaoundé. Concerning management of malaria cases, 18.6% of people declare going to the hospital when suffering from malaria. The majority of people (81.4%) do self medication - they either buy drugs from the pharmacists, street sellers or they use plants to cure malaria. Conclusion The study revealed a high awareness of populations on malaria and ITNs. However some attitudes hindering the use of ITN or related to the management of clinical cases need further attention.

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