Ferromagnetism of Pd-Fe alloys produced by low-temperature ion implantation

We present low-field magnetization measurements on Pd-Fe films and foils obtained by low-temperature implantation of 175-keV Fe+ ions into pure Pd. dc magnetization measurements are performed in situ with a superconducting quantum-interference device magnetometer. The Curie temperatures TC of the implanted films and foils are significantly lower than the bulk values. We demonstrate that the decrease of TC is due to defects produced during implantation. Two effects are observed, an increase in the critical concentration xc for ferromagnetism and a decrease in dTCdxFe, the rate of change of TC with the Fe concentration xFe. Employing annealing experiments, preirradiation of Pd films and foils with Ar+ and He+ and preimplantation of O+, we demonstrate that changes in xc are due to oxygen-stabilized defects, whereas changes in dTCdxFe are due to vacancies, interstitials, and small defect clusters.