Magnetic behavior ofCoions in the exotic spin-chain compoundCa3Co2O6fromCo59NMR studies

We have performed field-swept Co59 NMR measurements on the “exotic” spin-chain material, Ca3Co2O6, crystallizing in K4CdCl6-type rhombohedral structure, believed to exhibit two magnetic transition temperatures (around 24 and 12K). This is the first NMR investigation of this family of compounds. We are able to detect the NMR signal below about 15K, which is conclusive proof for the existence of nonmagnetic Co ions (Co3+-low-spin 3d6, in addition to magnetic Co ions) at least in a narrow temperature range around 10K, thereby resolving a controversy on this issue in the literature. In addition, we find that the spin-lattice and spin-spin relaxation times undergo a dramatic increase below about 12K, with a profound influence on the intensity of the NMR signal as a function of temperature, providing microscopic evidence for the existence of the 12K-transition. The spectral features present quite an interesting situation.