Characteristics of dopamine and GABA transport in primary cultures of astroglial cells

Primary astroglial cultures were grown from newborn rat cerebral hemispheres. Cultures, aged 7 and 14 days, were analysed with respect to their capacity to accumulate radioactive GABA and dopamine. Concentrative high‐affinity uptake, showing Na4‐dependence was observed for GABA where Kmand Vmaxwere not significantly altered with age of the culture. No Na+‐dependent high‐affinity transport of dopamine was observed. The addition of 0.1 mM dibutyryl‐cyclic‐3′‐5′‐adenosinemonophosphate (dB‐cAMP) after removal of fetal calf‐serum reduced the Vmaxas well as the Kmof3H‐GABA uptake. The ionic dependence of3H‐GABA and3H‐dopamine was not significantly altered following this treatment. The results are difficult to interpret in terms of a potentiated differentiation of the cells.