Evolution of Membranous Nephropathy into Anti-Glomerular-Basement-Membrane Glomerulonephritis

In a patient with biopsy-proved membranous nephropathy (nephrotic syndrome) acute fatal renal failure suddenly developed. Autopsy revealed rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis superimposed on the previous membranous changes. IgG eluted from the kidney was shown by immunofluorescence technic to bind to the glomerular basement membrane of normal human and monkey kidneys, and was capable of producing an acute anti-glomerular-basement-membrane nephritis in two monkeys. The IgG antibody, by radioisotopic methods, was specifically directed against primate kidney. It is postulated that immune complexes responsible for the original membranous nephropathy induced release of antigenic glomerular-basement-membrane fragments into the circulation, stimulating formation of antibodies to the membrane and producing fatal acute glomerulonephritis. (N Engl J Med 290:1340–1344, 1974)