Purification and Immunologic Evaluation of Human Melanoma-Associated Antigens 2 3

Melanoma-associated antigens (MAA) were isolated and their functional immunologic properties were evaluated. Spent fetal calf serum-free culture media and 3-M KCl extracts of cultured human melanoma cells grown in this medium were used as antigen sources. Ultracentrifugal flotation on KBr was used to separate MAA and HLA antigens present in the extracts or spent culture media; thus interference by histocompatibility antigens was prevented in subsequent tests of tumor antigenic activity. MAA purified in this manner retained their immunologic functions as evidenced by their ability to produce delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions in patients with melanoma, specifically combine with antimelanoma xenoantibody, and elicit production of functionally specific xenoantibody. Possible structural differences between HLA antigens and MAA were considered in evaluation of the data.

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