Lymphocyte Response in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: Effect of Clinical Stage and Radiotherapy

• Fifty-three patients with head and neck cancer tested before radiation treatment to determine numbers of blood lymphocytes and immunologic responses to mitogens of lymphocytes in whole-blood cultures had mean values that were 19% to 26% less than values for healthy individuals. Thirty patients whose disease was in stages III or IV had values similar to those in 23 patients whose disease was in stages I or II. Values for 45 patients tested at end of radiotherapy decreased to about 50% of pretreatment values; however, patients with advanced lesions experienced greater decreases (to 24% to 50%) than patients with localized lesions (to 71% to 84%). Patients with advanced lesions usually received radiation to larger areas than patients with localized lesions; therefore, the extent of decline in laboratory values was most likely dependent on volume of tissue treated. (Arch Otolaryngol 102:596-600, 1976)