A population of M. leucopterus was studied 18 km northwest of Booligal, New South Wales, Australia. An area of 50 ha was surveyed. Birds were mist-netted and color-banded. The calls and main song of M. leucopterus are described. Three groups each of 4-11 birds occupied territories of 1.3-8.3 ha during the breeding season but ranged over larger areas at other times. The female was the main feeder of nestlings and fledglings and was assisted by 1 or more uncolored birds and usually by a colored male. Nestlings fledged after 10 days. Probable predators were feral cats (Felis catus), pied butcherbirds (Cracticus nigrogularis), brown snakes (Pseudonaja textilis) and lace monitors (Varanus varius). Some examples of behavior are described: hopping replacement, aerial clash, wing flutter, distraction display, preening and roosting.

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