Sex Hormones and SLE: Influencing the Fate of Autoreactive B Cells

The prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is far higher infemales than in males and numerous investigations to understand this gender bias have been conducted. While it is plausible that some sex-linked genes may contribute to the genetic predisposition for the disease, other likely culprits are the sex hormones estrogen and prolactin. In this chapter we review studies that have addressed the influence of sex hormones in SLE activity and discuss the recent data established in a BALB/c mouse transgenic for the heavy chain of an anti-DNA antibody. These mice are prone to develop lupus following exposure to exogenous sex hormones. We describe how estrogen and prolactin influence B cell maturation and selection, permitting B cells to mature to immunocompetence. Finally, we discuss the relevance and implications of these data for human disease.