An integral breadth analysis for particle size and strain determinations in cold-worked FCC alloys

An integral breadth analysis has been made in several cold-worked FCC alloys, and particle sizes and strains have been determined for pure gaussian, pure Cauchy, intermediate parabolic and convolution of Cauchy and gaussian (Schoening's method) cases. The last case is usually referred to as the Voigt function, in which the Cauchy and gaussian components relate to particle size and strain respectively. Fairly good agreement exists among the apparent particle size and strain values obtained from gaussian, parabolic and Voigt (Schoening) cases, with the exception that the strain values are much higher in the Voigt case. Compared with the values obtained by Fourier analysis, better agreement is observed for the Schoening case. The values of the compound fault probability 15α+β obtained from the Schoening and parabolic methods are also in good agreement with Fourier values. It has been suggested that the observed broadening function is approximately Voigt.