Power-law distributions and Lévy-stable intermittent fluctuations in stochastic systems of many autocatalytic elements

A generic model of stochastic autocatalytic dynamics with many degrees of freedom wi, i=1,,N, is studied using computer simulations. The time evolution of the wi's combines a random multiplicative dynamics wi(t+1)=λwi(t) at the individual level with a global coupling through a constraint which does not allow the wi's to fall below a lower cutoff given by cw¯, where w¯ is their momentary average and 0<c<1 is a constant. The dynamic variables wi are found to exhibit a power-law distribution of the form p(w)w1α. The exponent α(c,N) is quite insensitive to the distribution Π(λ) of the random factor λ, but it is nonuniversal, and increases monotonically as a function of c. The “thermodynamic” limit N and the limit of decoupled free multiplicative random walks c0 do not commute: α(0,N)=0 for any finite N while α(c,)>~1 (which is the common range in empirical systems) for any positive c. The time evolution of w¯(t) exhibits intermittent fluctuations parametrized by a (truncated) Lévy-stable distribution Lα(r) with the same index α. This nontrivial relation between the distribution of the wi's at a given time and the temporal fluctuations of their average is examined, and its relevance to empirical systems is discussed.