Inbreeding and Endangered Species Management: Is New Zealand Out of Step with the Rest of the World?

There is growing evidence that inbreeding can negatively affect small, isolated populations. This contrasts with the perception in New Zealand, where it has been claimed that native birds are less affected by inbreeding depression than threatened species from continental regions. It has been argued that New Zealand's terrestrial birds have had a long history of small population size with frequent inbreeding and that this has “purged” deleterious alleles. The rapid recovery of many tiny and inbred populations after introduced predators have been controlled, and without input from more genetically diverse populations, has further supported the view that inbreeding is not a problem. This has led to a general neglect of inbreeding as a factor in recovery programs for highly endangered species such as the Black Robin (Petroica traversi) and Kakapo (Strigops habroptilis). We examined the reasons for this situation and review the New Zealand evidence for genetic purging. Complete purging of the genetic load and elimination of inbreeding depression are unlikely to occur in natural populations, although partial purging may be more likely where small populations have become inbred over an extended period of time, such as on small isolated islands. Recent molecular data are consistent with the view that island endemics, including New Zealand's threatened birds, have low genetic variation and hence have possibly gone through longer periods of inbreeding than threatened species from continental regions. Nevertheless, results from recent field studies in New Zealand indicate that, despite the opportunity for purging, inbreeding depression is evident in many threatened species. Although inbreeding depression has not prevented some populations from recovering from severe bottlenecks, the long‐term consequences of inbreeding and small population size—the loss of genetic variation—are potentially much more insidious. The degrees to which genetic factors reduce population viability generally remain unquantified in New Zealand. Although minimizing ecological risks (e.g., preventing reinvasion of islands by mammalian predators) will continue to receive high priority in New Zealand because of their much larger impacts, we advocate that genetic considerations be better integrated into recovery plans.