Stroma-Contact Prevents Loss of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Quality During Ex Vivo Expansion of CD34+ Mobilized Peripheral Blood Stem Cells

Stroma-supported long-term cultures (LTC) allow estimation of stem cell quality by simultaneous enumeration of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) frequencies in a graft using the cobblestone area forming cell (CAFC) assay, and the ability of the graft to generate progenitors in flask LTC (LTC-CFC). We have recently observed that the number and quality of mobilized peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) was low in patients having received multiple rounds of chemotherapy. Moreover, grafts with low numbers of HSC and poor HSC quality had a high probability to cause graft failure upon their autologous infusion. Because ex vivo culture of stem cells has been suggested to present an attractive tool to improve hematological recovery or reduce graft size, we have studied the possibility that such propagation may affect stem cell quality. In order to do so, we have assessed the recovery of different stem cell subsets in CD34+ PBSC after a 7-day serum-free liquid culture using CAFC and LTC-CFC assays. A numerical expansion of stem cell subsets was observed in the presence of interleukin-3 (IL-3), stem cell factor, and IL-6, while stroma-contact, stromal soluble factors, or combined addition of FLT3-ligand and thrombopoietin improved this parameter. In contrast, ex vivo culture severely reduced the ability of the graft to produce progenitors in LTC while stromal soluble factors partly abrogated this quality loss. The best conservation of graft quality was observed when the PBSC were cultured in stroma-contact. These data suggest that ex vivo propagation of PBSC may allow numerical expansion of various stem cell subsets, however, at the expense of their quality. In addition, cytokine-driven PBSC cultures require stroma for optimal maintenance of graft quality.