Fenoxaprop for Grass Control in Dry Seeded Rice (Oryza sativa)

Barnyardgrass and bearded sprangletop are severe weed pests in rice in the southern United States. These weeds are controlled with standard herbicide programs of propanil alone or propanil combined with pendimethalin or thiobencarb. However, new herbicides, such as fenoxaprop, may be effective alternatives for grass weed control in rice. Fenoxaprop at 0.17 kg ai/ha applied postemergence in programs with propanil, thiobencarb, or pendimethalin controlled barnyardgrass and bearded sprangletop in rice and performed as well as or better than standard treatments of propanil with thiobencarb or pendimethalin. Rice yielded well, and grain was of high quality.