Effect of diazepam on plasma corticosterone levels

In light of the numerous but rather conflicting reports on the action of benzodiazepines upon the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal (HHA) axis activity, the effect of different doses of diazepam (0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 mg/kg) administered 15, 30, 60, 120 and 240 min before decapitation on plasma corticosterone level was studied in rats. While 0.1 mg/kg diazepam had no effect, 1.0 mg/kg diazepam decreased plasma corticosterone levels 30 and 60 min following drug administration. On the other hand, treatment with 10.0 mg/kg diazepam produced an increase in plasma corticosterone levels from 15–120 min following drug administration.