Metabolism and function of gangliosides in developing neurons

Previous experiments have shown that the addition of a mixture of gangliosides to the growth medium induced morphological changes in primary neuronal cultures, producing especially a trophic effect and a sprouting of neurites (neuritogenesis). The study reported here examined the changes of some biochemical parameters that paralleled the morphological modifications of cultured neurons from chick brain hemispheres treated with gangliosides. Neurons cultured from 3 to 7 days in the presence of various concentrations of a purified mixture or of single‐species of gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GT1b) revealed that these glycolipids were easily incorporated into the cells as a function of their exogenous concentrations. Incubation of neurons with N‐acetyl‐D‐[U‐14C]mannosamine showed a final labeling of all endogenous cellular and exogenous incorporated gangliosides; however, the radioactivity recovered decreased as a function of the number of sialic acid units of the exogenously added gangliosides. The treatment of neuronal cells from 3 to 7 days in culture with a mixture of 10−8 M and 10−5 M gangliosides led to the following observations on some neurochemical parameters: no effect on the influx of choline and dopamine; no effect on the spontaneous choline efflux, whereas the K+‐provoked one is abolished; decrease of the spontaneous and K+‐stimulated release of dopamine; no effect on the spontaneous release of GABA for 10−8 M gangliosides but an increase of both spontaneous and K+‐provoked release for 10−5 M gangliosides. The data suggest that the possible insertion of gangliosides into the neuronal membranes may imply structural modifications that may influence enzymatic activities, neurotransmitter transport, and finally, some nerve cell mechanisms.