The Cytologic Diagnosis of Bladder Tumours and its Clinical and Histologic Bases

The cytologic findings in 355 patients with symptoms of genito-urinary disorders were compared with the clinical and histologic diagnoses. Neoplasm was histologically verified in 140 cases. The tumours were graded according to the degree of cellular atypia in histologic specimens as papilloma (grades 0–1) or carcinoma (grades II-IV). Papilloma was found in 23 per cent of the tumour cases. The cytologic diagnosis was based on analyses of sediment from urine and bladder washings. No false positive cytologic diagnosis of malignancy was made in the 195 patients without neoplasm. No definite cytologic report of malignancy was made in the 32 cases of papilloma. Of the 108 cases histologically classified as carcinoma, 71 per cent (58 per cent of grade II and 85 per cent of grades III-IV tumours) were cytologically recognized as malignant from the first sample of urine and bladder washings. The importance of uniform concepts of histologic grading of bladder tumours for evaluating the accuracy of exfoliative cytology is emphasized.