An Operator's Console for the LAMPF Accelerator

The control system for the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) accelerator is organized around an on-line digital computer. The computer's versatility in acquiring and arranging data for presentation to the operator made a strong impact on the design of the operator's console and the central control room. The racks full of lights, meters, and knobs so typical of a conventional control system were replaced at LAMPF by a compact console in which the prominent device is a graphic display scope with a light pen. This paper traces the evolution of the present LAMPF operator's console. The experience gained from a prototype console for a small accelerator is recounted. It was on this console that the concept of graphic control panels was pioneered. The considerations which led to the physical shape of the LAMPF console are explained and a description is given of the various panels. The console was put into operation in December 1970.

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