Nouveaux exemples de radicaux libres stables de dérivés hétérocycliques de sucres. Communication préliminaire

Some more examples of stable free radicals of carbohydrate heterocyclic derivatives2‐Glycosyl‐4,4,5,5‐tetramethylimidazoline‐ 3‐oxide‐1‐oxyls and 2‐glycosyl‐4,4,5,5‐tetramethylimidazoline 1‐oxyls have been prepared in nine carbohydrate series, which proves the generality of the method. The hyperfine coupling constant between the free electron and the α‐proton of the glycosyl group is never very large (0‐2.3 G) but a correlation between its value and the structure of the aglycone has been noted. Free radicals of that type, stable in aqueous solutions, are potentially interesting for biological studies.