The induction of reproductive activity in lactating ewes

In two experiments, Merino ewes that had lambed in either the autumn or spring were treated with various combinations of a progestagen (methylacetoxyprogesterone, MAP) and pregnant mare's serum gonadotrophin (PMSG), from 3 days post partum. Irrespective of the season of lambing, the treatments resulted in ovulation in nearly all ewes before day 15 post partum; oestrus was observed in all ewes that had lambed in the autumn but in only half the spring ewes. Regular oestrus activity was not resumed after the induced oestrus and/or ovulation. After further treatments with MAP and PMSG (days 15–26 post partum), 29% of the ewes showed oestrus (autumn and spring), with 47.1% and 58.3% of ewes ovulating in the autumn and spring respectively. Cystic and/or persistent corpora lutea (CP) were noted in 24% of the treated ewes. In spring-lambing ewes, 42% of ovulations before day 15 were judged to be abnormal. Fertilization rates were low in ewes that mated. The best results, 56% of ova fertilized, were from matings between 26 and 30 days post partum in spring-lambing ewes. In two further experiments, the fertility of ewes was examined at matings induced at various times post partum in crossbred ewes that had lambed in the spring. The fertility was low (=17%) up to 30 days post partum, but it improved in later matings (=30%). The incidence of a second oestrus succeeding the induced cycle was low (29%), but fertility was higher (50%). Approximately 50% of the untreated ewes lambed to matings between 30 and 60 days after lambing.