Hamiltonian for coupled flux qubits

An effective Hamiltonian is derived for two coupled three-Josephson-junction (3JJ) qubits. This is not quite trivial, for the customary “free” 3JJ Hamiltonian is written in the limit of zero inductance L. Neglecting the self-flux is already dubious for one qubit when it comes to readout, and becomes untenable when discussing inductive coupling. First, inductance effects are analyzed for a single qubit. For small L, the self-flux is a “fast variable,” which can be eliminated adiabatically. However, the commonly used junction phases are not appropriate “slow variables,” and instead one introduces degrees of freedom that are decoupled from the loop current to leading order. In the quantum case, the zero-point fluctuations (LC oscillations) in the loop current diverge as L0. While their effect thus formally dominates over the classical self-flux, it merely renormalizes the Josephson couplings of the effective (two-phase) theory. In the coupled case, the strong zero-point fluctuations render the full (six-phase) wave function significantly entangled in leading order. However, in going to the four-phase theory, this uncontrollable entanglement is integrated out completely, leaving a computationally usable mutual-inductance term of the expected form as the effective interaction.