Combining scene and auto-calibration constraints

We present a simple approach to combining scene and auto-calibration constraints for the calibration of cameras from single views and stereo pairs. Calibration constraints are provided by imaged scene structure, such as vanishing points of orthogonal directions, or rectified planes. In addition, constraints are available from the nature of the cameras and the motion between views. We formulate these constraints in terms of the geometry of the imaged absolute conic and its relationship to pole-polar pairs and the imaged circular points of planes. Three significant advantages result: first, constraints from scene features, camera characteristics and auto-calibration constraints provide linear equations in the elements of the image of the absolute conic. This means that constraints may easily be combined, and their solution is straightforward. Second, the degeneracies that occur when constraints are not independent may be easily identified. Lastly, the constraints from scene planes and image planes may be treated uniformly. Examples of various cases of constraint combination and degeneracy as well as computational techniques are presented.

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