Unsatisfactory hepatic perfusion after placement of an implanted pump and catheter system: angiographic correlation.

Thirty-five patients with scintigrams showing unsatisfactory hepatic artery perfusion after surgical placement of an implanted pump and catheter system were examined with selective angiography (33 cases) or digital subtraction angiography (DSA) during which the contrast material was injected through the side port of the pump (six cases). In 34 of 35 cases, the cause of the unsatisfactory (either extraphepatic or incomplete) hepatic perfusion was defined. DSA was definitive in only two cases, in which extrahepatic flow through collateral vessels was demonstrated. The cause of the perfusion defect was hepatic artery thrombosis in 14 cases, extraheptic flow through collateral vessels in 14 cases, a misplaced catheter in four cases, and a short proper hepatic artery without adequate length for mixing in two cases. Although hepatic artery perfusion scintigraphy is the primary tool for evaluation of hepatic perfusion after catheter placement, angiography plays an important role in treating the subset of patients with unsatisfactory hepatic perfusion.