Amino Acid Incorporation into Protein of Hepatic Tissue in Cloudy Swelling.

Summary Incorporation of labeled amino acids into protein of normal rat livers and of livers with toxin-induced cloudy swelling has been studied in vitro, under experimental conditions in which size and specific activity of the intracellular pool for the precursor amino acid in the 2 tissues had been rendered similar by a suitable preincubation procedure. Under these conditions, swelling markedly enhances the rate of incorporation of C14-glycine into protein, and this increase is still present when no appreciable inward transfer of amino acid across the cell membrane takes place. A faster incorporation rate of C14-leucine into protein of swollen liver slices has also been observed. These results indicate that a real stimulation of protein synthesis occurs in swollen liver and suggest that this stimulation may explain, at least in part, the increase in cell protein content found in liver with cloudy swelling.