Molecular Mechanisms and Regulation of Iron Transport

Iron homeostasis is primarily maintained through regulation of its transport. This review summarizes recent discoveries in the field of iron transport that have shed light on the molecular mechanisms of dietary iron uptake, pathways for iron efflux to and between peripheral tissues, proteins implicated in organellar transport of iron (particularly the mitochondrion), and novel regulators that have been proposed to control iron assimilation. The transport of both transferrinbound and nontransferrin-bound iron to peripheral tissues is discussed. Finally, the regulation of iron transport is also considered at the molecular level, with posttranscriptional, transcriptional, and posttranslational control mechanisms being reviewed. Referee: Dr. Caroline Enns, Department of Cell and Development Biology, University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Portland, OR, USA 97201, Phone: 503-494-7811. Fax: 503-494-4253. E-mail: