Central projections of identified Drosophila sensory neurons in relation to their time of development

Eight sensory structures (campaniform sensilla), appearing identical in the light and scanning electron microscopes, are found in specific locations on the wings of Drosophila. Their axons enter one of 2 central tracts, a medial one or a lateral one. The topographic arrangement of the sensilla on the wing is not reflected in this central projection pattern. There is, however, a strict correlation between the time when a sensillum develops and the path its axon follows: The 4 sensilla whose axons form the medial projection are born and differentiate early during the development of the wing, while the other 4 sensilla, all of which project laterally, arise during a second wave of differentiation. This time-related projection pattern remains stable in the face of a variety of genetically induced alterations in the precise number and location of sensilla.