Physical Properties and Cation Arrangement of Oxides with Spinel Structures II. Electronic Conductivity

The relations between the electronic conductivity of certain spinels and the arrangement of the cations in the crystal structure (see preceding paper) are studied. Several arguments favor the assumption that Fe3O4 contains both divalent and trivalent iron in the 16‐fold position. The transition point in the neighborhood of liquid‐air temperature is probably associated with an increased degree of order at low temperature in the distribution of the 8 electrons between the 16 Fe‐lattice points per unit cell. The considerably increased conductivity below the transition points shows tetragonal anisotropy when the crystal is cooled in a magnetic field. The possible distributions of the electrons in the crystal at low temperature are discussed. In more complicated spinels, containing other metal atoms as well as iron in both the divalent and the trivalent state, the electronic interchange is more or less inhibited by the foreign metal atoms. The higher values of their resistance in comparison to that of Fe3O4 can be roughly described by an increased activation energy. The investigation of a number of substances with different arrangements of the cations shows that the activation energy (and therefore the electrical resistance) is lowest for those cases in which the electrons can travel, as in Fe3O4, along the Fe of the 16‐fold position.