This review continues with studies of protein, lipid, and purine metabolism of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) cells in vitro and of muscle cells in combined culture with nerve cells. In vitro studies of human metabolic myopathies are tabulated. Results using the hamster, chicken, and mouse (dy25, dy, mdg, and mdx) myopathies are discussed. Interesting findings include suggestions of altered collagen synthesis by DMD cells. Analysis of cell proteins by two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis and the use of combined nerve‐muscle cultures remain important areas of development. It is disappointing that so few attempts have been made to repeat significant findings in this field, and when a number of laboratories have examined the same phenomenon, the results are often contradictory. It remains to be shown how these various abnormalities found in cells in vitro are related to each other and to those pathologic features of diseased muscle observed in vivo.