Gyromagnetic Ratio of Helium2S13Atoms By Optical Pumping: Level Shifts

The gyromagnetic ratio of optically aligned 2S13 helium atoms has been measured by comparing its Zeeman resonance frequency with the proton transition frequency in the earth's magnetic field. The value of γHe2π extrapolated to zero light intensity is (2.80235 ± 0.000 03) ×106 Hz G1. The use of unpolarized light to align the helium sample reduces the g factor by an amount proportional to the pumping light intensity. This displacement results from an admixture of the excited-state (2P23) g factor into the 2S13 state during the optical pumping cycle. When the pumping light is circularly polarized, an additional shift appears, caused by virtual transitions related to the dispersion of the pumping light.