Molecular Analysis of a Myc Antagonist, ROX/Mnt, at 17p13.3 in Human Lung Cancers

The chromosome region 17p13 is known to be frequently deleted in lung cancers. We recently showed the presence of an independent, commonly deleted region at 17p13.3, suggesting that in addition to p53 at 17p13.1 an as‐yet‐unidentified tumor suppressor gene may reside in this telomeric region. Interestingly, the chromosomal location of a recently isolated novel myc antagonist gene, termed ROX/Mnt, coincides exactly with the centromeric border of the commonly deleted region at 17p13.3 in lung cancers. In conjunction with the generally acknowledged roles of myc genes in the pathogenesis of lung cancers, these findings led us to investigate whether ROX/Mnt is altered in lung cancers. Despite an extensive search for alterations in 52 lung cancer specimens, somatic mutations of ROX/Mnt could not be identified. We conclude that ROX/Mnt itself is not a frequent target for 17p13.3 deletions in lung cancers and that further explorations are required to identify the putative tumor suppressor gene at 17p13.3.