Local structure and electronic state of a photomagnetic material of CoW cyanide studied by x-ray-absorption fine structure spectroscopy

The local structure and electronic state of a photomagnetic material Cs0.8Co1.1(3cyanopyridine)1.9W(CN)82.1H2O have been investigated by means of x-ray-absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy. The Co K and W Ledge x-ray-absorption near-edge structure has clarified that upon the transition from the high-temperature (HT) phase to the low-temperature (LT) one, a Co 3d electron is transferred to the W 5d level; the electronic state of Co changes from the high-spin divalent state (d7, spin momentum S=3/2) to the low-spin trivalent state (d6,S=0), while the W state correspondingly varies from the pentavalent state (d1,S=1/2) to the tetravalent one (d2,S=0). Extended XAFS analysis has revealed that the coordination around W and Co is W(CN)8Co4 and Co(NC)4(3cyanopyridine)2W4, respectively, and that the Co-N distance in the LT phase is decreased by 0.17Å compared to that in the HT one, while the structure around W shows little change. We have also found x-ray-induced phase transition of the present material at 30 K. The x-ray-induced phase was found to be structurally and electronically identical to the HT phase.