The two hydrazone-compounds 2-(phenylethylhydrazono)-propionic acid (PEHP) and 2-(2-cyclohexyl-ethylhydrazono)-propionic acid (CHEHP) significantly lowered the blood glucose level in several laboratory animals fasted 48 hours (guinea pigs, mice, hamsters and rats). In the guinea pig, PEHP produced a three times stronger hypoglycemic effect than phenelzine, its corresponding hydrazine. Conversely both hydrazono compounds decreased the monoamine oxidase activity much less, than phenelzine. CHEHP (145 µmol/kg) inhibitied this enzyme by less than 14%. After oral administration both hydrazones (200 µ mol/kg) also produced a distinct hypoglycemic effect. The blood glucose lowering properties of the two hydrazones were most manifest in fasted guinea pigs, diabetic mice and rats with streptozotozin diabetes.